Wrong Collision Settings

Problem mit Ahlheim v4 - Keine Trips sichtbar
Aktuell kommt es zu Problemen bei Ahlheim v4. Sollte auch bei Dir nur eine Tour bzw. gar keine Tour angezeigt werden, setze bitte diesen Workaround um.
  • Logdatei hochgeladen?

    BCS sometimes gives a wrong collision setting to OMSI.

    I always set ALL collisions to OFF but BCS sometimes enables it for no reason.

    It enables collisions to AI cars and pedestrians.

    And there's a strange point that when the bus is stopped and I check the setting, it is right with collisions off. But when the bus is moving, the collision is ON in the setting menu and I can't disable it in the setting.

    I turn them off and close the window and then recheck the setting, it is ON again.

  • There are multiple nnown bugs with collisions for years, but no solution, unfortunately.

    You can browse multiple similar topics through forum, all of them never got fixed - if can be ever fixed.

  • [PeDePe] Daniel T.

    Hat das Label von In Bearbeitung auf Erledigt (ohne Lösung) geändert