Problem mit Ahlheim v4 - Keine Trips sichtbar
Aktuell kommt es zu Problemen bei Ahlheim v4. Sollte auch bei Dir nur eine Tour bzw. gar keine Tour angezeigt werden, setze bitte diesen Workaround um.
  • Right now when your OMSI crashes, BCS can detect it and offer to restart (ofc, autosave needs to be enabled). What I would like to also see is that if BCS crashes or the computer itself crashes, player can start the BCS up again, which recovers itself (as far as I understand all the data is read from some file anyway?) and starts OMSI were you were.

    Right now about 50% of cancelled trips in our company is caused by BCS or computer crashes.

  • Barbapapa1

    Hat das Label Vorschlag hinzugefügt