Update - Modding, Bus-Upgrades


- You can now add your own buses to the game via the new Bus Modding Tool and share them in the workshop!

- Bus Upgrades: Upgrades (e.g. premium seats, passenger information system) are now available for buses to improve passenger comfort.

- WLAN: Mobile data contracts with different data volumes can be booked in order to offer passengers WLAN during the journey

- Timetable: The driving times in the extended timetable can now be entered manually instead of having to select a fixed interval per timetable

Map / Lines / Timetable

- The driving times in the extended timetable can now be entered manually instead of having to select a fixed interval per timetable

- Up to 250 lines can now be built

- Clients of public service lines no longer complain about poor passenger numbers when the line has not yet run or when passenger numbers are high

- The given timetable interval for public service lines can no longer be lower during rush hour than outside rush hour

- Fixed grey camera glitch in the map

- For public service lines, the entire line can now be deleted and rebuilt without losing the order

- Fixed a bug when calculating the number of buses needed for a line

- Lines in the line overview are now correctly sorted by name

- Stops on the map are now displayed more clearly

- In Brazil, it no longer loads wrong starting points / cities in the map


- Adjustment of the number of passengers so that they should no longer be so extremely high in large cities

- General improvement of passenger behaviour

- Optimised number of passengers at airports and schools

- Fixed bug that line exchanges sometimes did not work

- Remuneration of tasks optimised

- Companies with high capital now receive lower subsidies

Please note that the new passenger numbers will first be calculated from the next day in existing savegames. The balancing has changed a lot with this update. We would be happy to receive your feedback on the new passenger numbers in your savegames, so that we can make additional adjustments. Please also let us know how the ticket prices are set, what the current company rating is and how high the current willingness to use public transport is, as all this has an influence on the passenger numbers 🙂


- The names of the employees now depend on the region in which you play

- Fixed bug where staff were queuing for a single item (toilet, fridge etc.) even though multiple items were available

- When bus drivers assigned to a shift are terminated, the assignment is now removed

- Employees now recover during a time jump

- Tooltips added to employee properties to get more information about them


- Turkish translation and Turkish lira added as currency (Thanks to @altariann and @Povalsiki)!

- Added Czech and Dutch translation of the reviews

- Many missing translations completed

- Display of languages with special characters significantly improved and missing texts fixed


- Performance improvements, especially with many employees (There will be more performance improvements in the next update).

- Update to Unity 2022.2.11

- The repair form now shows how many spare parts are available

- Fixed a bug that objects at the edge of the depot could not be built in some cases

- Fixed bug that street lanterns disappeared

- Fixed a bug in the paint shop

- Fixed a bug that purchased buses got stuck in the barrier

- Fixed a bug that the layer allocation window did not disappear in rare cases

- Fixed a bug where the autosave did not work when the game was paused

- Other small bug fixes and improvements
