Beiträge von dianna

Problem mit Ahlheim v4 - Keine Trips sichtbar
Aktuell kommt es zu Problemen bei Ahlheim v4. Sollte auch bei Dir nur eine Tour bzw. gar keine Tour angezeigt werden, setze bitte diesen Workaround um.

    I don't care to drive with collisions activated or deactivated. BUT, explain to me why my driving style is falling? Please, watch the video bellow from my last streaming, 1 hour ago, and see if my driving style during the journeys was so bad to get too low scores since the last update.

    This is the matter, and this is what you should respond to us and fix.

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    Zum Thema Fahrstil Bewertungen:
    Die Bewertungen zum Fahrstil, Fahrscheinverkauf und Fahrgastkomfort ermittelt der BBS nicht selbst, sondern liest sie von OMSI aus. An der Art, wie die Bewertung zustande kommt, können wir nichts ändern.
    Aus längerer Erfahrung mit OMSI weiß ich, dass es bei einem Unfall passieren kann, dass die Fahrstil Bewertung auf unter 5 % rutscht. Nach längerem Fahren ohne Zwischenfälle, steigt die Bewertung allmählich wieder an. Es ist dann in der Regel so, dass man mehrere Touren hintereinander sehr gut fahren muss, bis die Bewertung wieder bei 100 % ist.
    Daraus ergibt sich, dass es mit Kollision sehr viel schwieriger ist, eine gute Fahrstil Bewertung (und die damit verbundenen Punkte) zu erhalten. Das ist auch einer der Gründe, warum bisher die Fahrer, die mit Kollision fahren, eine höhere Vergütung erhalten (was je nach Ergebnis der Umfrage nächste Woche geändert werden könnte).

    Hi Phillip,

    I do not agree with your statement because yesterday I drove about 3 hours streaming it on YouTube and I noticed that passengers wanted to leave the bus for no reason. I guess I crossed some invisible walls. But I have been sure of my point because at some moment I recorded in the streaming a hit on an invisible wall.

    As I said previously, I can handle with collisions turned on, but it is impossible to handle with those fucking invisible walls destroying the driving style and THE BUSES.

    I used not to believe BBS could interfere on the OMSI, but after some issues like matrix problems and those walls which appeared after the last update, I can see now that BBS changes the OMSI's behavior.

    So please, rethink all this stuff. I love your product. I don't want to leave it. But when my bus drivers are leaving my company, my driving style is falling more than Bitcoin, so I have nothing to do but leave it as well.

    You have to keep in mind that many players drive without any problems with collisions.

    Well, yesterday all drivers who were online on my company reported problems with collisions. Also, I received a message from another one who said the same thing.

    The worst thing is: PAYWARE MAPS now have invisible walls since the last update. We paid for all of these DLCs, including Bus Company Simulator.

    I'll stream my own experience tonight on YouTube.

    I thought the update was a request of the community, but now I see this is a decision of the developers' team to keep the players away from the Add-On.

    They justify and put the whole problems over OMSI shoulders, but the Add-On should respect the characteristics and bugs of the game base. In the real world, the bus conduction works just fine, but some kinds of stuff on OMSI does not. If the Add-on is based on OMSI, it should follow the OMSI schemes and not how the real world works to keep a fair driving.

    If developers do not care about it, so we should spend our money buying books and not games that do not bring us the expected fun.

    This topic is very extensive to read all the discussion, but the fact is: this update is killing our fun. A lot of drivers are complaining about invisible walls in the most of maps (freeware and payware). Many buses completely destroyed. And I can't even disable the collisions anymore.

    My drivers don't want to drive anymore. Maybe I should stop to drive as well. Please Pedepe guys, re-think all this sh*t ASAP.

    OMSI has a lot of bugs as everyone knows, but BCS have to avoid those bugs to keep a fair driving. I love to play BCS, I enjoy it so much, but when we can't handle with insane AIs and invisible walls, the fun goes down.

    When I only play OMSI, I don't care about collisions. At the end of the tour, I just close the game, and I continue it another day. When I play BCS, I care about collisions because, at the end of the tour, I can't see how lousy driver I could be, but I see how disgusting is to play an unoptimized game like OMSI and how BCS expose it more than necessary.

    Hallo zusammen,
    Es gibt gerade, wie ihr schon gemerkt habt, ein Serverproblem. Die Entwickler sind informiert und werden alles daran setzen es zu beheben, bis dahin bitten wir um etwas Geduld.
    Fahrtausfälle werden natürlich entschädigt.

    My suggestion is to create a "server status" at the support page, in that way we can know if servers are up or down AND we could wondering if you are aware of the servers issues