Beiträge von Unwell

Problem mit Ahlheim v4 - Keine Trips sichtbar
Aktuell kommt es zu Problemen bei Ahlheim v4. Sollte auch bei Dir nur eine Tour bzw. gar keine Tour angezeigt werden, setze bitte diesen Workaround um.

    I have recently discovered that when i lo into my server to do a route i notice that my gpu suddenly has 88-95% gpu memory used up just from the 3d environment. this is a huge problem for me as when i stream this high memory usage causes it to lag a lot. i have a gtx 908 with 4gb ram and there is no way that the environment for bcs is using 4gb of gpu memory. is there a way to make a less memory intensive version of the 3d environment? or even have a menu version so u can choose to do menu or 3d depending on ur pc specs. Also why is it that when i launch into my server my oculus client is always launched? i had to go into the ue4 files and change the oculus file name so that it no longer gets launched every time.