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Problem mit Ahlheim v4 - Keine Trips sichtbar
Aktuell kommt es zu Problemen bei Ahlheim v4. Sollte auch bei Dir nur eine Tour bzw. gar keine Tour angezeigt werden, setze bitte diesen Workaround um.

    To whom it may concern,
    I am writing to report OmniNavigation in OMSI 2 have some problem.

    First,OmniNavigation will start loading on Choose Map Screen not while OMSI loading Map.

    Then, the OmniNavigation Could not detech which maps I am playing and only Ioad last map I played.

    So, the OmniNavigation map is showing wrong map to me but I can't change it.

    Maybe hard to explain, so I record the video and upload here.

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    In this video, the OmniNavigation load the A map which last map I played, and not match now I play B map.

    I already verify the addon with Steam but its could not slove this problem.

    Second, I open OmniNavigation from Steam, its always show I need active product. That is annoying for me because if I didn't active, OMSI will not show the roadmap on my screen.

    So, what should I do?



    Here the map download link:

    Hi, I want the BCS can be support this maps
    This maps is created by NTE Team in OMSI 2

    and the map is LHT realistic maps in Hong Kong

    Bus who can play on this Map:

    Volvo Wright Family:

    Original by GX7767

    Sound & tune & script by MB Workshop

    Texture by NX Studio

    Model edit by EC & various OMSI players…TrR5t9-bRAbMZmEG6bSk1iKo0

    ADL_E500_MMC V3 By MB Workshop and Winsome 3D Workshop…omsi_downloade500mmc.html

    I go the new iPad last day and try to install Busbetrieb-Simulator Assistent on App Store. However, the App Store show I can't download because I can't use in my country. [Country : Hong Kong]

    But I can use the same app on my android phone in same country.

    So, how can download the app on my iPad, or I need use VPN to download?


    I like omninavigation but there have a problem:(, the roadmap from OMSI 2 editor is always crash;(, so I can't use some map with omninavigation.
    I want your team to design a program to create a roadmap without OMSI 2.

    Hope you can accept this feedback
    Have a nice day!