Beiträge von Snook

    Der aktuelle Stand der Umfrage kann jetzt im BBS über das Hauptmenü aufgerufen werden.
    Ihr müsst bedenken, dass auch viele Spieler ohne Probleme mit Kollisionen fahren. Für diese hat sich mit dem letzten Update nichts geändert, deshalb haben sie auch keinen Grund sich im Forum zu melden, für sie ist ja alles wie immer.

    Dass sich nicht alle Spieler einig sind, zeigt der aktuelle Stand der Umfrage. Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass die Umfrage noch nicht einmal 24 Stunden läuft und wir die Meinung von möglichst vielen Spielern einholen wollen. Deshalb bitten wir noch um ein wenig Geduld. Viele Spieler spielen auch nur am Wochenende, deshalb haben wir uns dafür entschieden, das Ende der Umfrage auf Sonntag (20 Uhr) festzulegen.

    Here I see 95% of forum users who have problems with collisions.

    Those people who say they have no problems with collisions, will only be your
    development team, which has no self-criticism, no empathy.

    You just have to read the opinions of the developers and moderators how
    they are in favor and defend something that is out of the ordinary.

    I thought the update was a request of the community, but now I see this is a decision of the developers' team to keep the players away from the Add-On.

    They justify and put the whole problems over OMSI shoulders, but the Add-On should respect the characteristics and bugs of the game base. In the real world, the bus conduction works just fine, but some kinds of stuff on OMSI does not. If the Add-on is based on OMSI, it should follow the OMSI schemes and not how the real world works to keep a fair driving.

    If developers do not care about it, so we should spend our money buying books and not games that do not bring us the expected fun.

    Totally agree.

    It is clear that 90% of those who have commented here, are against this system of collisions.
    This is common sense, if they were really honest with the players, they would have taken it away without having to do a survey.

    The decisions made by the developers are all to annoy the users and
    never, never look for the good of the players for the fun side.

    As Glauber Ferreira says they behave like politicians and that's the way it is, totally true and it's really sad.

    The AOD - Advanced Omnibus Driver application was the perfect application.

    - There were no obligations to players or employers as the subject of taxes and monthly income.
    - There was a lot of freedom of options that no longer exists in BBS.

    Now everything is reduced in numbers, competition and statistics.
    And the developers forget that it is a game, that we have paid for a product to have fun, to be with friends as it was in AOD.

    There is no longer any of that.
    It was proposed to lower the price of the maps to have equality between large and small companies. They ignored.
    It was proposed to lower the taxes of money transfers, only a miserio 5% nothing else ...

    All issues end up being to annoy users.
    What about that survey about the characteristics?
    They do not talk about it anymore.

    I was a user and businessman since AOD was born.
    And I had to leave BSO because of these bad decisions.

    My company was always at the top of the ranking.
    My player was also in the first ranking.
    [EVAE] JavitoGP.

    Even so, the statistics are worthless at all.
    Because I prefer fun, rather than competing with other companies that is absurd.

    If it is misunderstood, I am sorry, English / German is not my native language.

    You do not see the results in real time once voted.
    Transparency does not exist.
    You can manipulate the data very easily.

    I only say that, I have no confidence with the data they handle.
    I am sorry.

    I am not surprised that those who are in favor of this measure are only administrators, moderators and those of development.

    The rest of the users are against us.
    It is left in evidence, who wants to have fun and who wants to remove limitations to have fun.

    This is a game to have fun with friends, not a competition.
    In real life there are no competitions between public bus companies.

    The mentality that takes place these things is absurd.

    Developers only care about statistics and competition.
    The word fun, friends, does not exist for them.

    - High cost maps, suggested lower prices, ignored.
    - High taxes, they suggested lowering prices, they ignored them.

    Their only reason for them is statistics and competition.
    They do not care if a poor company loses money ...

    They have no empathy with the players.
    Many people come to have fun with friends, not to compete with each other.

    That's not understood by developers.

    The developers have never thought about the players.
    They ignore the suggestions and do what they want.
    An example of them is the high cost of the maps and they go from that suggestion.

    I have long since abandoned this product made for them alone and not for others.
    My friends no longer play BBS for the same reasons.
    And we are not going to buy more pedepe products.

    Not recommended.
    It is harmful to the treatment of users.

    Wenn Du beim Chat auf "Neue Nachricht" klickst, kannst Du oben rechts auf das kleine Zahnrad klicken. Dort befinden sich Schieberegler für die X und Y Achse, um den Chat genauso zu verschieben, wie die BBS Infoleiste in OMSI.

    -The chat can not be resized.
    It occupies a quarter of the screen.

    -There is no option to remove the chat permanently.
    Why does the chat appear every time I enter the office?

    In AOD manager if that option exists.

    A little honesty would not hurt.

    In BBS we don´t have a lifetime license for having a company. Sry when i dont you understand.^^

    I understand that you do not want to recognize that you do not do things well and only look for yourselves.

    In AOD manager if I had a life-time license.
    90% of all BBS companies come from AOD Manager.

    Neu: Lokale Betriebe / New: Local companies
    I think you are confusing something.
    It was found to another solution.
    And these are local companies. They are not considered in the ranking.

    And there is no competition and there are no high costs.

    You do not understand.
    I paid a lifetime license for having a company.
    It is a lack of respect that anyone free of charge can build any local company.

    And that's not the suggestion requested.
    It was requested that private companies do not enter ranking or competitions.

    And only public companies if they can compete with each other.

    They did not make any case.

    My company was closed because I was mistakenly removed 330,000 €.

    I opened a ticket in support and they said it was a mistake.
    But they did not return the money spent more than 4 days.

    Errors and more errors that prevent playing.
    I had to close my company with 18 employees.
    My profile had to restart it, and that was position 1 in ranking.

    It's not worth it to continue on BBS.
    They only think about competing, competing, competing and more numbers.

    They do not realize, that in real life, bus companies do not exist competitions among themselves.

    has been suggested that private companies do not have a ranking, nor
    have to be obliged every month to be aware of the declaration or to pay
    more for the maps.

    And public companies that compete with each other.

    They ignored this suggestion.
    They made a local business system that is free for everyone.

    For those who paid a lifetime license in their day, it is a lack of respect.

    Do not ignore my question.
    I'll ask you again.

    In real life, bus companies do not compete with each other, nor do statistics or numbers exist.
    You want realism, we started with the first question.

    It has been suggested a thousand times.
    That PRIVATE companies should not enter the ranking or statistics.
    For something called PRIVATE.

    Only public companies, for those who want to compete and like numbers.

    But they did not pay any attention to this suggestion.
    They made a local company that is totally free for everyone and is a disrespect to those who have not suggested that.

    I have paid a lifetime license to play with friends.

    Why do we all have to force competition?
    This is a simulator, in real life, bus companies do not have competitions or numbers.
    This is not a racing game or who has it bigger.

    Wenn das das so einfach funktioniert mit Ordner löschen, dann wäre das Betrug gegenüber anderen Usern, die sich alle die Statistik versauen. Ich hoffe, dass es dann auch schnellst möglich Abzüge geben wird für die, die das reale Wetter so manipulieren.

    Kann ja nicht sein, dass einige den Ordner löschen, und dann bei Standardwetter pünktlich sind, und die Busse nicht zu kalt werden usw. dann noch mit höheren Löhnen dafür belohnt werden.

    Very obsessed with statistics and competition.
    Look further, many people come to have fun.
    Not everything is competition and numbers.

    What files or folder should be deleted to take the time?

    Hallo PeDePe ich oder wir alle die denn BBS Nutzen wollen alle Linien vom diesen Addon Fahren im Betrieb und nicht nur 4 .
    Bitte findet eine Lösung das wir alle Linien Fahren können es gibt immer eine Lösung

    Being a German map, I'm sure they will.
    On the other hand Vienna, refuse to put the other lines of 2005.
    Cheap excuse to say that they only put current times.

    In the latest updates, the chat occupies a quarter of the screen ... there is no option to make it smaller.
    In the AOD manager, there was an option to always remove the chat.
    Here you can not always remove the chat.
    If you remove it, it appears again when you enter the office.
    Please add the option to always remove the chat or reduce the size of the chat.

    Thank you.

    The developers will not do anything about the price of the maps.

    Do not bother yourself...
    They have already been discussed many times and do not give solutions.
    The poorest will be poorer, the rich will be richer.
    The equality in BBS leaves a lot to be desired and we are talking about a game, which comes to have fun.

    It is not compatible, do not lie, please.
    Start a new company for free for everyone, when you have paid 90€ for the previous one, that is not compatible.
    The suggestion was applicable to the current company, not starting from 0 and above free for everyone.
    That is not fair and apart it has nothing to do with the suggestion and complaints.

    Then the suggestion about many people to play in free mode without passing competitions?
    Then, it did not help the suggestions and complaints about the high prices of maps and related to the competition of companies.

    Very disappointed.

    AOD and Gladbeck released at the same time on 10th of December in 2015, to get the flowed hype from both projects and because of Gladbeck was one of the hugest map, wich caused many complication by getting it compatible. Omsi Editor reached his limit so far.

    Now, Ruhrgebiet is bigger than Gladbeck and Kevin Nitschmann wanted to get all things compatible to use in BCS. This is the reason, why his Beta Test startet in BCS too, and the maps where available before Release.

    That the own map of the game Berlin Spandau was not the first map and that it is before Gladbeck, already says a lot of its priorities.

    They did it that way, to force people to buy gladbeck if they wanted to play multiplayer. ;)

    I have nothing to say about this anymore.
    It is evident and undeniable, Kevin and BBS have an agreement.


    Die Frage ist inwiefern der Herr Kevin hier eine extra Wurst bekommt? Andere Entwickler könnten ebenfalls Wunschpreise für Ihre Busse einreichen, abgesehen davon ist der Bus garnicht von Kevin...

    Explain why the gladbeck map was the only playable multiplayer map in AOD manager during the first month?

    Explain why the K-Bergbahn map was put to buy on BBS two days before the launch of Steam?

    Explain why the Ruhr map was 3 months ago to buy on BBS and it was a mistake.

    Evidently, Kevin and BBS have an agreement.
    It is undeniable, the facts are there.

    There are many better optimized games, better graphics and more screen elements that would not even ask for more than 8GB of RAM and much less 2GB of graphics.

    An example Assetto Corsa.
    Minimum 2GB of ram.
    Minimum 1GB of graphics.

    If for a simple office with four chairs and computers, it is not able to optimize and ask for 8GB of ram and 2GB of graphics ...
    Something is not right there.

    If the developer determines the price of a DLC bus, do not you think it has to be in line with the rest of the prices?

    I think it's a bit abusive.
    Should have some rules when setting prices.
    Who knows if the next DLC of a bus puts a price at € 60,000, you will not take action on that?

    It is undeniable that there has been a price agreement between Kevin and BBS.

    The maps should be free.
    To be able to put any map in the multiplayer without depending on the developers.

    As if only one player was involved.
    They do not do it, because of the excuse of competitions.