no database connection

  • hello i have a problem with bus company simulator, i have uninstalled and reinstalled game (omsi2) and DLC in a new hard disk ssd, unfortunately when I try to start bus company simulator I get this message
    "no database connection" and closes by itself
    can someone help me?

  • Hey Agoandre,

    One thing that can cause the problem is the antivirus program or the firewall.
    It is recommended to set this exception for the bus operation simulator.
    this should actually fix your problem.

    Best regards,

  • Thanks I have already checked and all exceptions are set correctly, tomorrow morning check again and let you know

  • I understand the problem, the problem is that.
    The main folder of the bus company simulator must be in the steam installation folder, to be precise, for example E: ...... \ steamapps \ common \ Busbetrieb- Simulator
    does not accept to stand for example in C: \ ......\ steamapps \ common \ OMSI 2 \ Busbetrieb-Simulator where I did the new installation of omsi2 + all the DLC through steam

    so I resolved, I copied the folder from C: etc ... to E: etc ... where is installed steam, then I selected the folder of omsi2 in c: etc ... and I solved the problem.