Beiträge von Glauber Ferreira

    Heute bringe ich Ihnen zwei Karten (das ist richtig, ZWEI KARTEN)

    Die erste Karte ist die Version 2 der CMTC-Karte, die noch auf den 80er Jahren basiert (Zeit der "Rock und Bluse"-Malerei), die insgesamt 80 Linien hat, sie basiert jetzt auf einigen Stadtteilen von ZL, ZO, ZN und Centro de SP, und die große Neuheit dieser Version ist auch die 222T - Circular Interbairros-Linie, die nicht die echte Route ist, aber eine Inspiration in der längsten Linie, die es jemals in SP gab, zu der Zeit waren es mehr als 6 Stunden Reise, und auf der Karte wird die Linie ungefähr 4,5 Stunden dauern, und ich glaube, dass es bei Omsi die längste städtische Linie sein wird, die jemals für das Spiel gebaut wurde.

    Die zweite Karte ist die fiktive 90er, basierend auf den 90er Jahren (Malen des roten Streifens und einiger grüner Streifen), die ebenfalls insgesamt 80 Linien hat, sie basiert auch auf einigen Stadtteilen von ZL, ZO, ZN und Centro de SP und Als Neuheit gibt es auf der linken Seite den Korridor mit hohem Stockwerk, "Nachbarschaft für Nachbarschaft"-System und Lotação-Linien (Zeit der Perueiros). Sie finden es vielleicht seltsam, dass nur der Trolleybus als KI auf allen Linien des Korridors fährt, aber es ist das, was Sie im Moment sagen müssen, und da ist das: „Wenn Sie keine andere Option haben, begnügen Sie sich mit dem, was Sie haben im Augenblick".

    Sind die Linien von CMTC V2 und Fiktive 90er identisch? NEIN, nur in ZL sind sie gleich, aber einige mit kleinen Änderungen, aber in ZO und ZN sind sie völlig unterschiedlich, Sie werden die Unterschiede von einer Karte zur anderen sehen.


    Heute bringe ich Ihnen zwei Karten (das ist richtig, ZWEI KARTEN)

    Die erste Karte ist die Version 2 der CMTC-Karte, die noch auf den 80er Jahren basiert (Zeit der "Rock und Bluse"-Malerei), die insgesamt 80 Linien hat, sie basiert jetzt auf einigen Stadtteilen von ZL, ZO, ZN und Centro de SP, und die große Neuheit dieser Version ist auch die 222T - Circular Interbairros-Linie, die nicht die echte Route ist, aber eine Inspiration in der längsten Linie, die es jemals in SP gab, zu der Zeit waren es mehr als 6 Stunden Reise, und auf der Karte wird die Linie ungefähr 4,5 Stunden dauern, und ich glaube, dass es bei Omsi die längste städtische Linie sein wird, die jemals für das Spiel gebaut wurde.

    Die zweite Karte ist die fiktive 90er, basierend auf den 90er Jahren (Malen des roten Streifens und einiger grüner Streifen), die ebenfalls insgesamt 80 Linien hat, sie basiert auch auf einigen Stadtteilen von ZL, ZO, ZN und Centro de SP und Als Neuheit gibt es auf der linken Seite den Korridor mit hohem Stockwerk, "Nachbarschaft für Nachbarschaft"-System und Lotação-Linien (Zeit der Perueiros). Sie finden es vielleicht seltsam, dass nur der Trolleybus als KI auf allen Linien des Korridors fährt, aber es ist das, was Sie im Moment sagen müssen, und da ist das: „Wenn Sie keine andere Option haben, begnügen Sie sich mit dem, was Sie haben im Augenblick".

    Sind die Linien von CMTC V2 und Fiktive 90er identisch? NEIN, nur in ZL sind sie gleich, aber einige mit kleinen Änderungen, aber in ZO und ZN sind sie völlig unterschiedlich, Sie werden die Unterschiede von einer Karte zur anderen sehen.



    Pagar anualmente seria bom, desde que mudanças drásticas fossem feitas

    - Mapa Multiplayer de cada Empresa Coloque seu Mapa independente de estar no servidor ou não

    - O ônibus da sua empresa você vê o ônibus do seu colega de trabalho e as outras empresas que tem no mapa você vê e você não consegue vencê-lo, você fica como se estivesse deslumbrado

    - no modo carreira você tem a garagem de ônibus igual ao multiplayer sem precisar comprar vários ônibus para cada garagem desnecessária que valeria a pena

    - Impostos mais baixos são muitos impostos pagos e sem retorno

    Ich habe bereits danach gefragt, ich habe den Link weitergeleitet und es wurde abgelehnt, die Karte Stadtauto 4.0 zu aktualisieren

    Olá amigo do PEDEPE gostaria de saber se existe a possibilidade de substituir o CARRÃO CITY 4.0 pelo CARRÃO CITY 4.0. A capacidade gráfica e o mapa mais claro vou fornecer onde está o mapa e ter um PDF para mostrar o número de linhas

    NOTA: Para não cometer erros, você deve desinstalar o CITY CARD e usar apenas a versão 4.0

    Carrao CITY 4.0

    Ich habe verstanden, aber mein Freund, jeder, der am CARRÃO CITY 4.0-Projekt teilgenommen hat, ist derselbe, der an CARRÃO CITY 1.0, SAVOY MUNICIPAL, GRAN CITY, VILAREJO, RADIAL und all diesen MAP im Multi Player teilgenommen hat. Alle haben ihre Zustimmung zum MAP CARRÃO CITY 4.0 gegeben kann CARRÃO 1.0 ersetzen. Unser Urheberrecht wäre, dass jeder MAPA so genießen kann, wie wir es tun, wenn wir in dieser Hinsicht helfen können, m MAPA hinzuzufügen, damit wir Spaß haben können, wären wir dankbar

    Hallo meine Freunde, ich habe mit dem Besitzer von MAP CARRÃO CITY 4.0 gesprochen, wie Sie auf dem Bild sehen können. Zusammen mit Freunden sind die Besitzer der Karte. MAP CARRÃO hat jedoch dieselben Grafikszenarien und Objekte, die ich nur deshalb über CARRÃO CITY 4.0 neu bewerten möchte Wir wollen den Ersatz von CARD CITY 1.0 für Version 4.0, die 102 passable Zeilen enthält

    Das beigefügte Bild des Eigentümers besitzt die Genehmigung zur Verwendung von MAP CARRÃO CITY 4.0

    Hallo Freund von PEDEPE Ich würde gerne wissen, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, CARRÃO CITY 4.0 durch CARRÃO CITY 4.0 zu ersetzen. Die grafische Kapazität und die hellere Karte werde ich dort zur Verfügung stellen, wo sich die Karte befindet, und ein PDF haben, um die Anzahl der Linien anzuzeigen

    HINWEIS: Um keinen Fehler zu machen, müssen Sie die CITY CARD deinstallieren und nur Version 4.0 verwenden


    Hallo ich komme durch diese Anfrage eine Karte Projekt Metropolis oder Metra

    Kartenbeschreibung folgt

    Ich habe die gesamte Route der Linien auf der Karte mit einer Landschaft versehen (es ist nicht real, aber Sie können Spaß haben).

    Es hat jetzt alle Zeilen (außer 376): 284, 284M, 285, 286, 287, 287P, 288, 288P, 289, 290 und 487;

    Die Linien 284M, 287P, 288P und 487 verkehren nicht an Wochenenden und Feiertagen, sondern nur an Werktagen.

    Diese Karte ist BRT Berlin Stil Buskorridore und Details von Terminal zu Terminal diejenigen, die spielen, lieben diese Karte, weil es sehr gut ist, Fotos zu folgen

    Externer Inhalt
    Inhalte von externen Seiten werden ohne deine Zustimmung nicht automatisch geladen und angezeigt.
    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.


    Agradeço ao meu amigo se precisar dos links da metrópole etc. Estou aqui e pode fornecer, pois algumas seções são de acesso privado, possivelmente porque ele tem acesso antes que o cartão funcione

    alguma notícia sobre o mapa ???

    Ei, não sabemos quando um computador irá falhar e perderemos todas as informações do computador de informações. Agora valeu a pena observar detalhadamente que os problemas não eram negligentes, mas técnicos. Às vezes há aqui no BSB problemas técnicos, atualizações, etc., mas mesmo assim eles podem me ajudar a valorizar os outros

    Freunde guten Tag wie geht es dir?

    Freunde Ich habe die Firma VIAÇÃO SANTOS BRASIL gegründet. Was passiert ist. Ich hatte ein kritisches Problem mit meiner angeschlossenen SSD. Ich musste die Firma für ein paar Tage stoppen und die Steuer hat nicht geklappt. Ich hätte gerne eine gerichtliche Begnadigung, damit ich die VIAÇÃO fortsetzen kann SANTOS BRASIL für das Versagen im Betrieb aufgrund der Tatsache, dass wir nur 3 Mitarbeiter haben, wenn sie diese Vergebung geben können, werde ich dankbar sein

    I'm playing online and suddenly in the middle of the course comes this error that this attachment someone who understands could help me please because each time I end up losing trips because I have to leave everything and my trip ends up being canceled


    E / A - Fehler 433

    hello friends my x10 berlin is not working online at the company but when i take the same offline it works normal i already loaded it full and nothing follows two pictures without it online and with the clue appearing offline could you help me ???

    friend so the problem here in the maps of Brazil is not a lack of files but the PEDEPE group wants me to contact the map developers to ask for permission and after that I can make the maps have a developer that doesn't even move but maps have recently finished maps I requested the inclusion of the GRAN CITY map just because it had some trees outside the squares streets inside the water was not approved due to small details then we observed that the PEDEPE class does not make an effort to make the map available. GRANCITY is written BETA but the map is now completed now the map owner is gone no one else thinks it and yet they refused the map so I am in favor of how I paid for the game if I own a company in MP I put the map that I I want in my company and my employees will work on the maps and not only the maps available in MP this new DLC that you will release hope this is more or less because you do not need to control the maps and yes the amounts collected financial income of the companies will be a better headache less for your landlady

    hello people from PEDEPE.

    I have some doubts and would like a position from you

    In Brazil we sent 2 MAPS for analysis and add them in MP would be BRIGADEIRO and MAP METROPOLIS because we ask to put these in CARRÃO CITY and SAVOY MUNICIPAL the maps are in analysis since July and until today abandoned in Brazil we want the maps in MP I saw that some members requested maps in September, October and have already been added in the case of munich and weppertal among others.

    I would like to emphasize that each Brazilian paid to have the DLC to play online was not free that we got now is a delay to replace 2 maps would be better since they are launching a new concept of transport that will surely be paid we will have to spend more money I would like to leave a suggestion for you PEDEPE that instead of you manage the maps who should manage would be the owner of the company he puts the map he wants and each one rotates on the map you want to be waiting for your good will to add maps we Brazilians have to be begging and your landlord leaves us here from Brazil

    Review your way of work because we pay dearly and we are discouraged to have to beg you to add maps

    good evening friends PEDEPE,

    I come through this request to update the CARRÃO CITY map for version 3.0 this map besides containing the natural lines that it already has these version has more than 10 new lines, 2 terminals, and more. also has also the famous line and that many gave me the suggestion that is to 2590.

    I would like your PEDEPE landlady to update the CARRÃO CITY 2.0 map for version 3.0 only to update the map, we would be honored because we Brazilians love this map because it is a very complete map here in Brazil.

    follow link of the site where it is hosted and link to download the same


    For those who already have version 2.0 of the map:

    <Direktlink entfernt>

    For those who do not have the map installed:

    <Direktlink entfernt>

    Any bug, suggestion or any constructive criticism, leave it here in the field of comments.


    <Direktlink entfernt>

    I think it's very nice to educate people here, you forgot that there are time zones in the countries, I'm just going to say one thing, education generates education if he's asking is because both his and others do not work and another question we pay dearly to have multiplayer so he has the right to ask if it was for free then yes you could make your inquiries I await an apology for the player above or to facilitate it is easier you to ban me from the account pedepe because I am facing a opinion of staff member

    good afternoon friends of PEDEPE next we are getting behind with the new BUS SIMULATOR 2018 gamer platform where you can now visualize your business partner we can not keep going back like this because Busbetrieb-Simulator is much bigger than the game just launched OMSI can not stay like this we would like a reformulation because it's been 1 year and everything we asked about the company was not requested nor carried forward we are in a worldwide update today no one enters a company dressed as any companies have to have uniforms have to have structures and ours in Busbetrieb-Simulator is totally defunct how many gave up playing Busbetrieb-Simulator because our will and see our company friend passing the side you make so many changes that does not benefit people that when we ask for something is always no or we will evaluate but never materialize ask again about the compound changes now we saw with BUS SIMULATOR 2018 qu and there is a platform that you can see our business partner passing the side I ask you to look closely many are migrating to OMSI offline because the tax requirements are against the reality and economic situation of the country I ask you to evaluate and follow some tips and the staff who see this publication have their opinions also for who knows PEDEPE change and do not let the OMSI end online

    a suggestion for the end of the chair because it does not reshape the whole office desk all chair only in the meeting room there above in the case where there is the noticeboard and where is that huge desk places high computer desk that does not need to sit always the drivers will only make consultations so eliminate the chairs and do not get this disorder all time because the company's computer is just for consultation follows suggestion photo and if anyone has any of us we will help the BBS to improve things it is no use criticizing we have to add and improve more and more.
    follow tips.





    I've already made two suggestions for PEDEPE and until today they ignored if I could take my money back and abandoned the BBS I kept playing Offline and it starts that we can not see our partner or opponent something else asked PEDEPE to reformulate the company to remove chairs that bug every time put new characters to be a real company all in uniform terms be standard company the company logo with company logo so THE BUS SIMULATOR 2018 will munch with BBS because the ideas of the guys are very advanced thing that here the guys stopped at time I have people who do not play anymore OMSI because it became boring people want to see the bus passing the other side as neither Euro truck simulator server bombing every day almost 10,000 people when the BBS started every day you saw the figure of a company in the gps today if you see a company passing on the side is miracle it was over for a long time it is very unfortunate the dictatorship that the PEDEPE is doing should rather return the money of all to close the doors and thank the frustrated attempt that you have made since neither the servers of GTA V and EURO TRUCK that are free do the clownings and tricks that you do and not charge anything from the public games are the most requested how many voices did the public pay for the game are POLITICAL DICTATORS where here in PEDEPE only you send and we obdimos ridiculo the attitude of you work for a server where we can see the bus as friend where we can have a standard company with uniforms a restructuring in the headquarters of company to take that crap of pizza table that already gave take those benches take out the computers and put tables pedestal with notebook where we will only visualize our accounts put a panel of led lines modify everything I'm sure you already saw the servers of euro truck and gta I'm sure they'll feel ashamed or not at least they're laughing at us because we bought them thinking it was a thing and in the end it was another because these servers yes listen to the target audience now you never to put a map is a difficulty to put a uniform then neither speak the unfortunate attitude of you

    Good morning OUT OF COGITATION THIS COLLISION BUSINESS, because where this is not good, you should not see anything else you PEDEPE has to see other priorities such as the chairs that bug all the time and the reformulation of thirst among other things that have already been expressed but you do not listen to the people who play the BSB for me, you guys of the support, it seems like a group of politicians, it all has to be the way you do, like you, football game, you want to be TIME, JUDGE and TWIST, you can not afford to be like that. game then we have the right to comment soon the new simulator arrives that is already in test and you lose all credibility of OMSI we will respect the game and be as it was before we thank you

    Friend our company and made up of around 60 driver the two companies of the 60 driver have the ones that are committed in doing daily so that I have some that make 20 trips or 15 trips per month for example now our company paid for trip made so we would need of this control to know exactly how many trips in the month the driver does and not how it is showing to the total people of trips by the company so we will pay for trips made who make more won more who makes less earned less

    Ola bbs could change the way in the company managers see how many trips our drivers performed because we only get to see the total of trips general and not monthly because we want to be a real-life company pay wages for the same if they can adjust that we thank you from ja so we will have total control of who works daily because it would not be fair to work and others not and to win the same that worked if they can thank us from ja


    Good afternoon PEDEPE I come again here to see the possibility of self adjusting MULTIPLAYER I realized that many people are getting discouraged in the game many companies closing, when we bought Busbetrieb-Simulator it was not for free we paid dearly for it and we would like you to evaluate the possibility of a reformulation is more than just time to see the buses of friends passing and it would be nice to adjust this in addition to other things such as
    a suggestion for the end of the chair because it does not reshape the whole office desk all chair only in the meeting room there above in the case where there is the noticeboard and where is that huge desk places high computer desk that does not need to sit always the drivers will only make consultations so eliminate the chairs and do not get this disorder all time because the company's computer is just for consultation follows suggestion photo and if anyone has any of us we will help the BBS to improve things it is no use criticizing we have to add and improve more and more.
    follow tips.





    a suggestion for the end of the chair because it does not reshape the whole office desk all chair only in the meeting room there above in the case where there is the noticeboard and where is that huge desk places high computer desk that does not need to sit always the drivers will only make consultations so eliminate the chairs and do not get this disorder all time because the company's computer is just for consultation follows suggestion photo and if anyone has any of us we will help the BBS to improve things it is no use criticizing we have to add and improve more and more.
    follow tips.





    a suggestion for the end of the chair because it does not reshape the whole office desk all chair only in the meeting room there above in the case where there is the noticeboard and where is that huge desk places high computer desk that does not need to sit always the drivers will only make consultations so eliminate the chairs and do not get this disorder all time because the company's computer is just for consultation follows suggestion photo and if anyone has any of us we will help the BBS to improve things it is no use criticizing we have to add and improve more and more.
    follow tips.