Beiträge von wiadp1

Problem mit Ahlheim v4 - Keine Trips sichtbar
Aktuell kommt es zu Problemen bei Ahlheim v4. Sollte auch bei Dir nur eine Tour bzw. gar keine Tour angezeigt werden, setze bitte diesen Workaround um.

    I also have the same problem for Bremen Nord, For Bremen Nord Modern everything is ok. Not sure about Bremen Nord Fiktiv. Is it already supported by BCS Multiplayer?

    Since the beginning of July I also started to have weird problems with collisions. Sometimes even when in BCS the game is started without collisions, when I open the game, collisions are checked in Omsi settings and I cannot turn them off. Even the button DISABLE COLLISIONS in BCS menu doesn't turn them off. Additionally on some maps I started to have invisible walls, For example yesterday on Luzern - Line 24 - 3 invisible walls that never appeared for me before and after this trip the bus was totally damaged in BCS when I checked it in the garage. What is inteteresting after each hit of invisible wall, BCS infomed me that they know that this crash isn't my fault and I won't get points for crashes or hit&run, but my driving rating was close to 0%, I drove additional 2 maps - Wuppertal 639 and Scunthorpe 2016 after this. On these maps I had no invisible walls, my driving was quite good and fluent but after finishing tours BCS driving rating was extremely low - 40-60%, where it should be on 90% level at least, so it seems that game detected some weird collisions that weren't seen or feelable during the driving.

    After some tests it seems that after last BCS update colliions can't be turned off just on maps where some vehicles from AI list are missing. Earlier missing AI vehicles weren't an issue and now when I have missing AI vehicles on some maps, even when I start the tour with "NO COLLISIONS" option they are still active during driving even when they are turned off in OMSI options.

    It seems that it can be the issue. I replaced all the missing vehicles in BCS Add-on Manager and had no problem with collisions or invisible walls after running the same map again. When I checked on which maps I have missing AI vehicles, in 2 cases I can confirm that I had issues with collisions earlier on them. Now I replaced all missing vehicles on all maps that I have installed and will check if it will end the problem with collisions or invisible walls.

    Yes, I agree, this map works in Omsi 2, but because of this "Updating Map" issue for players that have never played it in BCS before there is no possibility to play it in MP or SP Career Mode. Is there a possibility to turn off "Updating Minimap" feature for this map. It is the only map that has such notification and I tested many of them. It seems that for now the only possibility to fix it is turning off Updating Minimap feature for this exact map. Players that run it earlier will still have updated minimap and new players will be able to run it in BCS at least. Can you do it this way or it isn't possible?


    I have problem with Landkreis Glesien v2 map in BCS. I did everything to run this map in Omsi 2, but when I try to play this map in BCS, choose the line and route and get to the step when BCS starts updating minimap I always get notification "No Internet Connection". This error appears only for this map. I installed some maps after this one and had no problems during step when minimap was updating. When I play this map in Omsi 2, everything works as it should. The problem appears in BCS only.

    Could you fix "updating minimap" issue for Landkreis Glesien v2?

    Soon I am going to change my computer and would like to continue my Single Player career on it. Is it possibile in BCS? After istalling BCS on new computer will it automatically come back to my status from previous PC or I need to do something. What about situation when not all maps will be installed on new computer? Will they still show on the Depot list or not?

    I like the solution with collisions. It was similar to the one that I proposed. It is the best way, because some maps are really hard to play with collisions and it brought huge irritation. Now you can play them without collisions and still get decent money for tours on them. In the previous system it wasn't profitable

    The problem of Omsi 2 is the fact that even most map developers suggest turning off collisions on their maps because there can appear invisible walls and problem with AI traffic. On some maps, AI traffic doesn't even react properly on traffic lights, don't obey traffic rules and don't react on other vehicles.
    I personally play Omsi 2 to relax after stressful job. BBS gave me more reasons for it because there are some great additional tasks and features that aren't available in original game. To avoid irritation I usually disable collisions on most maps. The only problem is that with this feature if you want to earn money there is no sense to drive shorter routes, because you almost don't earn any money for it. That's why I think that the game should work the other way to keep the fun and avoid irritation.
    You should earn normal money during driving without collisions (as now with collisions turned on) or get special 2x money bonus in case when you choose playing with collisions turned on.
    Some maps are quite drivable with collisions turned on, but unfortunately most of them hide many surprises for drivers and can bring frustration.